SoftGlue’s Mission

• SoftGlue is a developer’s, anti-malware software tools & internet virtual network hosting company. Its SoftGlue’s mission to provide tools and services that help keep the internet free of malware invasion attacks & by doing so achieves success for all companies using SoftGlue’s tools and services.

SoftGlue offers software development, anti-malware & IT services tools. Future holds virtual networking cloud database products & support.

SoftGlue’s business & this website is targeted at the software developer & software companies needing software tools to develop their own industry solutions.

However all guest are welcome. The general guest may feel uncomfortable downloading and installing current SoftGlue’s products. This is understood, even respected. The software developer will understand the issues and make an informed decision. Downloading or not by all is respected by SoftGlue & its management. However, all feel free to download the technical help documents. This requires no registration. This is SoftGlue’s public technology information available to all.

Copyright (c) 2023 by Mark L. Alberi. The form, all the form objects & all its HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) & javascript controls copywrited (c) 2023 with the exception of the web page upload web host server interface licensed object controls. SoftGlue webpage Object.

Semiconductor Technology

Mark Louis Alberi, owner of SoftGlue Wrongfully terminated by the United States government form the semiconductor industry since 11/2002 in part over these wafer fab new interconnect gauge rules. Aspect ratios between any two interconnects can now be any size with in then process design rules form maximum mettle with to minimum metal width design rules if the interconnect interface is a current rule as defined below.

Electromigration Test Structure:

The electromigration design was a redesign of the industry standard four point serpentine structure to test metal film metal line widths < 1um in width. The designs in Diagrams 1 & 2 worked successfully for a 0.8um metal line width film for a 2 metal, 1 poly 0.8um design rule planerized CMOS process (3). Up until the design in this study, approximately 1.2um metal film width lines was the smallest metal film width that could be successfully stressed without fusing the electromigration (EM) line at the active EM line to device pad interface due to extremely large pad to active metal line aspect ratios of approximately >= 65. For CMOS processes >= to about 0.5 microns design rule, pad widths approach 65 micron squares. It was outside the electrical & physical design rules to design on silicon active devices in this manner. However, EM testing was done on metal film lines with relaxed design rules and failed for design rule fusing for metal line connection aspect ratios >= 65. The metal film process used in this study used about a 65um square pad and so it was not possible to bias a 0.8um metal width film line directly to a 65um square pad with current source bias conditions of 200mA to 250mA without fusing as is in reference (3) of this paper.

The problem was solved once the device physics was understood that no testability of less than 1.2um metal widths was fusing caused by exceeding the natural gage rating of the metal film at the pad to metal film interface and not failing to uphold Kirkoff’s laws of power distribution. Diagram 1 is the anti-fuse new active device design interconnect, designed circa 1996 to the industry standard four point serpentine structure of Diagram 2. U.S. patents pending. The ant-fuse current funnel or electron escape hatch tapers as current passes and therefore upholds the 0.8um CMOS process physical and electrical design rules for EM stress testing in reference (3). As a result, the new electromigration structure design shown in Diagram 2 worked and yielded expected electromigration test results with a tight standard deviation (sigma) distribution, accurately predicting the planerized 0.8um one poly, 2 metal alloy (TiNitride-Al, 1%CU, 0.5 Si-TiNitride) sandwich metal film life time for production. Kirchhoff’s circuits law (1) had no impact on the physical design of current funnel EM structure interconnect successful circuits working of the current funnel gauge theory anti fuse without fusing under high electrical power loads per unit metal line volume.

Copyright (c) 2023 by Mark L. Alberi. The form, all the form objects & all its HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) & javascript controls copywrited (c) 2023 with the exception of the web page upload web host server interface licensed object controls. SoftGlue webpage Object.

None of the offered applications are android enabled. Please download on computers only.

Software Tools

See Software Tools for a complete description of SoftGlue’s technology solutions.

Installation Instructions

See installation instructions for complete details of zip file download installation. SoftGlue uses the zip file installation security container method to install all its posted application downloads.

Copyright (c) 2023 by Mark L. Alberi. The form, all the form objects & all its HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) & javascript controls copywrited (c) 2023 with the exception of the web page upload web host server interface licensed object controls. SoftGlue webpage Object.

Enjoy the free United States Constitution & Ethics executable. The SoftGlue software technology that developed the Constitution & Ethics executable as a simple DevOps automation of 10,993 lines of SoftGlue’s Embedded Syntax Translator embedded code only took a few minutes to translate and only about 1 & 1/2 hours to initially create the Visual Studio DevOps automation complete application & only about 30 minutes to modify with the new constitution & ethics documents. The full application status that it has is the SoftGlue DevOps automation architecture common building blocks of all applications offered on & took about a day total to productize which included a new installation application from a DevOps installation template. The total embedded scripts / test files product building varies form an couple hours to about 1 & 1/2 days depending on the new application architecture after the application is initially developed as a new SoftGlue application and a defined Software Development Life Cycle with market focus.

This is what SoftGlue is about; developing highly complected applications and using its established software tools to maximize the new applications effectiveness in the marketplaces and customer support.

Constitution & Ethics

Welcome all to SoftGlue. Hope you find your experience and our products, an exiting one.

Copyright (c) 2023 by Mark L. Alberi. The form, all the form objects & all its HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) & javascript controls copywrited (c) 2023 with the exception of the web page upload web host server interface licensed object controls. SoftGlue webpage Object.

Virtual Network Services

SoftGlue will offer web site front end database driven virtual network services refereed to as clouding in recent times with remote login into the cloud database for self hosting updates and maintenance. Great for any inventory related relational database application. A business cloud service..