Future Technology
Virtual Network Services (VNS)
VNS is a website front end database driven virtual network services refereed to as clouding in recent times with remote login into the cloud database for self hosting updates and maintenance. Great for any inventory related relational database application. VNS services will offer a complete website hosting plugin suite for any level of VNS hosted customer. Any and all websites will be configurable form just a database website page to a full corporation platform regardless of the company size with website communications, inventory, upload and download controls, search engine, sales controls, etc. In short softglue will offer development grade database website hosting to all as configurable blank internet industry templates, such as retail, corporation, marketing, etc. SoftGluye’s VNS business and technology model, is not that of traditional website development model. The VNS websites are all built from suite of industry standard website business model templates. All templates are configurable to be you and what you need with your graphics, documenting & look and feel. There is absoutly no software development by the user. All CSS related fonts are database logged in website tool assisted. The VNS services are not the traditional website development services. All websites are 100% configurable, fixed development with softglue plugins supporting 100% of the internet industry business needs. A business cloud Virtual Network Service (VNS).
The pricing structure is based on the size of the business needs and practical cost of that business need. Small business can”t afford many things they would like to have, so they do those things manually creating heavy otherwise avoidable high personal labor cost absorbed though their personal time. The pricing structure is to balance the two. The pricing of medium to large business is based on the price struct point, does this new technology operations service save more time and operations cost than its doing to cost, both the actual and any hidden cost it might incur due the manual factor of operating any business. That’s why it takes people to run and perform all aspects of that business.
The VNS services will offer business database templates tailored for different types of businesses ranging form restaurant order & delivery, retail control to large businesses such as human resources & technology documentation, product data & large inventory controls with inventory barcode support. The database cloud will offer user web site building as part of its service, but will support any repeatable user web site host they might already have including self hosting such has any large corporation. It will support migration of database information & web site hosting into and out of SoftGlue. This is fundamental core cost of business for the business to succeed & the technology will be developed based on flat file table relational database solutions allowing the raw files to be read into any spread sheet such as EXCEL for the migration plans into the former customers new database platform to reduce or eliminate he risk factor, particularly if migrating to SoftGlue form elsewhere. These services will be affordable migration cost to all based on the level of information needing to migrate, ranging form as a free service to many small businesses to affordable & fair to larger established businesses. This is not a revenue generating service, but a cost of business service passing the cost where its fair. After all, any corporation that does migrate, has cost of that migration as part of it plan/ its this in that decision making processes. what’s the cost of SoftGlue vs elsewhere & how long will it take SoftGlue vs elsewhere to complete that migration service?
Lotus Notes relational database platform & encrypted Notes Domino server solution was the original technology platform solution design and implemented as the self hosted on line business model in 1998 to 2000 as the domain name SoftGlue.com. The SoftGlue.com web site was a remote Lotus Notes relational database served up by Lotus Domino servers, an IBM solution & this technology solution was then & now to be used as the business model moving forward as internet industry offerings. Lotus Domino services are equivalent to modern SQL remote database services. It is SoftGlue’s plan to re-offer these solutions as Lotus Domino solutions. It was a solid business straggly then and now. If Lotus Notes technology is migrate-able to modern 64-bit Windows 10, Apple & UNIX operating system platforms, SoftGlue will seek to purchase Lotus Notes technology rights form the IBM Corporation making it SoftGlue. However, times have changed & Lotus Domino & Lotus Notes support has been de-emphasized by IBM, so moving forward SoftGlue may migrate to a SQL technology platform to offer these remote database access virtual network / cloud web hosting services.
Indirect Memory Address Architecture
SoftGlue developed an indirect memory addressing architecture of the command line as both non administration & administration access privileges. Its indirect memory addressing because the called memory locations are within the same memory block with a different memory address as the source that called them because source first creates the child then loads it within its memory block into a different memory location and maintains its residency in memory as a running service application to its child it created and called then deleting all references to then child, once the child application is finished, leaving only the original visual basic .net executable with the embedded child application within it on registered operating system registered disk space.
The non administration access indirect memory privileges is the direct call of an embedded script of SoftGlue’s Embedded Syntax Translator within the memory loaded executable, creating that script, loading that script into a new memory address within its memory block space and providing parent application service to that loaded script, deleting all working instances of that script once that script has finished.
Examples of non administration access architecture are visual basic .net embedded powershell, Visual Powershell Compiler& Web Links applications and the BATCH Virus Threat Scan command line macro language embedded VB.net IT applications.
Administration access technology is entirely based on BATCH / COMMAND, command line macro, visual basic .net embedded scripts controls such as the command line vb script controls of Microsoft’s legacy administration access library & SoftGlue’s Embedded Syntax Translator that embeds any text file, script or not into visual basic .net for redeployment of a visual basic executable with no command line administration access privileges. That’s why its defined as indirect runtime memory addressing as a memory pointer similar to that of the directory pointer of the command shell or even assembly language indirect memory locations point referencing; and by doing so, it adds a double command shell security to all scripts administration access request, granted or not and allows the parent non administration access executable to act as a memory binding service to all the scripts it deploys for administration access request of the command line. The remote deployed IT VB.net , has absoutly no command line administration access what so ever when its remotely or at the client console deployed. It calls the indirect addressing administration access request architecture, and if granted, the called script grants administration access to the requester, which is the script application called by VB.net as ordinary command line access. This architecture approach completely upholds the current operating system remote deployment rules and secure network connectivity. This allows programming languages such as C based powershell & visual Basic Script to administer IT and system32 remote and client administration access controls of the file system once again as licensed IT application; and furthermore, since any and all script languages particularly powershell, vb script, even BATCH are transposed from non license-able plain text to VB.net compiled syntax, they, themselves are now license-able within the rules of executable licensing, creating real business for the development companies and the operating system companies that holds the development licenses, such as SoftGlue & Microsoft and all other third party development companies.
Examples of administration access, are two visual basic .net embedded powershell language IT applications that require command line administration access to run with no runtime memory errors, Registry Search & Removal Tool (RegSR) & Clear All Event Logs IT applications.
RegSR is a SoftGlue Visual Powershell script compiler application running in a special case of a powershell manifest and script module memory block as a script compiler, also known as an application Powershell Standard Notion (PSON) RAM memory thread, and Clear All Event Logs is a traditional powershell script application. The visual powershell PSON’s fit, form and function as a script compiler memory thread is proprietary & is not license-able outside of the SoftGlue Corporation, while the usage of it as a general powershell FileName.ps1 script application and manifest, as all manifest and script modules are, is considered public Microsoft library licensing. However, it is not supported by SoftGlue. There are many already know ways to use a powershell manifest and script module as a powershell memory block thread to one or several related powershell script applications linked to a main source powershell ps1 script, so SoftGlue’s PSON manifest and script module is not license-able or supported in this technical application space & will be Copy Write with restricted Copy Rights @ as such.
The Virus Threat Scan BATCH script application is a BATCH and Command macro script application of Microsoft’s Windows Defender MpCmdRun application. Its an application user interface plug & play, turn key shell application. The difference between it and what was as IT support up until the obsolescence of the XP operating system times, is that SoftGlue’s fit, form & function of it as an embedded visual basic .net executable application has no remaining resident script applications after runtime & the VB.net executable, acts as its service while the MpCmdRun executable is resident in the anti virus threat scan command console; while, it is open, adding significant virus threat neutralization of the found infected computer resident files, preventing the virus to defend itself against the inoculation of any and all computer files, including operating system applications. It will be proposed licensing by SoftGlue that SoftGlue’s command line anti virus threat scan architecture is license-able for LAN only remote automation deployment, if it does as SoftGlue believes, safely protect any file and the OS from a virus threat counter attack during scanning and protect the network from its spread as a command line anti virus threat tool infection as a VB.net executable adding a runtime security socket layer memory service thread preventing any additional pinging listening for application access by the found virus or malware threat. As too this day, supported by SoftGlue, its a major virus threat management concern. SoftGlue will not disagree with Microsoft, if SoftGlue’s command & powershell consoles (powershell alternative is not offered here) anti virus command line application does not as well meet these agreed to stiff licensing requirements and SoftGlue itself will have company to company licensing agreements.
IT Tools
The future holds a wealth of newly offered IT VB.net embedded script language’s applications like the command line administration access required vb script Network Card Switch described below.
Network Card Switch
The computer network cards, Ethernet, WiFi and NDIS can be turned and off & as an option, release and renew network addresses without turning them on and off; through user argument command interface.
Future Development
The document writer is a document executable creator application extension of the Embedded Syntax Translator. It will create an executable file of your important documents, personal, legal and businesses launching your embedded executable document into a word processor for reading, then deleting the in memory copy once finished, protecting original document’s contents. SoftGlue’s licensing agreement Lic.exe was written with a developer’s manual DevOps Automation form of the future new offering. It only took roughly 1.5 to 2 hours form scratch VB.Net development, creating a new application template. As a test of this application new concept, a published on line PDF copy of the Constitution with graphics as translated with MS word into RTF file format and translated into VB.Net script with the Embedded Syntax Translator (EST) and copied and pasted into the template. The actual programming only took just over 30 minutes. The Constitution RTF file because it contains graphics is over 8700 lines of translated code. It took EST about 2 to 3 minutes to translate it to VB.Net module format. This would have been impossible manually in any word processor. It is encrypted with hexadecimal binary because it has graphics and the RTF interpreter automatically does this for RTF graphics embedded files. RTF interpreter embedded RTF script into the pain text and RTF files without embedded graphics open as RTF scripted plain text in text readers & editors such as NotePad. The SoftGlue 30 day license agreement is embedded RTF plain text & the constitution.exe is both RTF interpreter & EST encrypted & embedded plain text with graphics.
The future holds for this end product software tools technology, a full easy to use as an ordinary knowledgeable administrator user level development tool. It will automate all the above manual DevOps automation described above, creating the shell application to load that document from the binary into a user definable word processor, such as MS word, wordpad and notepad. This will allow the legal profession & any legal of government to only have to write and notoriety their legal documents and have ordinary employees to create the legal executable document for them. The constitution & Ethics binary executable below is SoftGlue, writing that first U.S. executable document for its nation. The Constitution, the first official U.S. governing document signed into law in 09/17/1787 & first ratified into law in 1788 by Delaware; and was completely written by Mark Alberi as his perception of what U.S. government documents are supposed to be, as the look, feel and portrayal the United States.
Enjoy the free United States Constitution & Ethics executable Document Writer application. The SoftGlue software technology that developed the Constitution & Ethics executable as a simple DevOps automation of 9,483 lines of SoftGlue’s Embedded Syntax Translator embedded code only took a few minutes to translate and only about 1 & 1/2 hours to initially create the Visual Studio DevOps automation; a complete application & only about 30 minutes to modify with the new constitution & ethics documents. The full application status that it has is DevOps automation of application architecture building & took about a day total which included a new installation application from a DevOps installation template. This varies form an couple hours to about 1 & 1/2 days depending on the new application architecture after the application is initially developed with Softglue’s new application & market focus Software Development Life Cycle.
This is what SoftGlue is about; developing highly complected applications and using its established software tools to maximize the new applications effectiveness in the marketplaces and customer support.
Attribute VB_Name = “ConstitutionModule”
Public Sub constitution(ByVal cmdScriptName As String)
Dim FileS As New FileStream(cmdScriptName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Dim vf As New StreamWriter(FileS)
vf.writeline (“{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Garamond;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}”)
vf.writeline (“{\colortbl ;\red24\green23\blue23;\red255\green254\blue253;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red228\green49\blue48;\red53\green43\blue83;}”)
vf.writeline (“{\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}}”)
vf.writeline (“{*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}{*\mmathPr\mnaryLim0\mdispDef1\mwrapIndent1440 }\viewkind4\uc1 “)
vf.writeline (“\pard\widctlpar\sa780\sl252\slmult1\cf1\f0\fs20\par”)
vf.writeline (“”)
vf.writeline (“\pard\widctlpar\sa285\sl240\slmult1\qc\fs40{*\shppict{\pict{*\picprop}\emfblip\picw710\pich400\picwgoal2376\pichgoal396 “)
vf.writeline (“010000006c0000000000000000000000c60000002200000000000000000000009a1c0000eb0400”)
vf.writeline (“0020454d4600000100401e00001000000001000000000000000000000000000000800700003804”)
vf.writeline (“0000c60200009001000000000000000000000000000070d50a00801a0600460000002c00000020”)
vf.writeline (“000000454d462b014001001c000000100000000210c0db01000000780000007800000046000000”)
vf.writeline (“c8090000bc090000454d462b1f4003000c00000000000000304002001000000004000000000080”)
vf.writeline (“3f224004000c000000000000001e4009000c00000000000000244004000c000000000000002140”)
vf.writeline (“07000c000000000000002a4000002400000018000000c09b09390000000000000000c09b093900”)
vf.writeline (“0000000000000008400005e4080000d80800000210c0db01000000000000000000000000000000”)
vf.writeline (“000000000100000089504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000c700000023080600000020d0”)
vf.writeline (“1e52000000017352474200aece1ce90000000467414d410000b18f0bfc61050000000970485973”)
vf.writeline (“000012740000127401de661f780000085049444154785eed5d2b74e436145d58b625e3494a32b0”)
vf.writeline (“b0b030b0b030303070e1c0b0c0c0c0c0c08103170e1c5818181858d8defbfc24cbb62cc9bfcc4f”)
vf.writeline (“f79c77266b5bb2f4f4feb2bddf2e09cbe57205ba357455140ff87d7468a59776e2fafafaf7abc5”)
vf.writeline (“e2af463bd2ba288a3ff5b28c0361b1585c99f5b95a2e3758e39f8670ece5ba28fed64b2f136410”)
vf.writeline (“9900863c096396cbffa25414afdadc0b307685eb36ad763ec23d71ff1f6ca3cd3366c6cdcdcd2f”)
End Sub
App Registration & Validation API
This API is a dynamically encrypted registry key values API & registers newly installed applications in the Current User registry & validated their installation folder installation with every new instance, preventing unauthorized user relocating of the installed application form the owners installation folder. The App Registration & Validation API supports both a 30 day trial timer key & purchased license key authentication and validation.
All applications offered here on the technology page use this encrypted registry values API during installation and startup, displaying time left in trial in the forms header on provides startup messaging. checkout your installed applications in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SoftGlue. You will find that all the registration key values are different from on and other because they are all dynamically encrypted and decrypted on startup preventing any license key and file system tampering.
Hexadecimal To Decimal Decoder API
The Hexadecimal To Decimal Decoder dynamically decodes any text ->decimal->hexadecimal translation & its integrated into all applications offered here to guarantee their licensing & uphold file system OS security with binding all applications to their intended installation folder, C:\Program files(x86)\SoftgGlue\AppName.
Visual Powershell Repository Script PDK & Visual C Compiliers
The Visual Powershell Repository Script (VPRS) PDK Demo & the Web Links applet application working concept applications were developed with the Embedded Syntax Translator (EST) as VB6 & VB2022.Net respectively applications offered as on line 30 day trials on the Technology page. The VPRS demo is over 6100 lines of powershell C script & Web links is over 4600 lines of powershell C script. These are two very different applications using exactly the same MSDN translated forms objects, methods & events and VPRS specific compiler API’s in conjunction with custom programming to make the applications unique from each other as is all applications developed in the same compiler platform . The VPRS PDK compiler uses absolutely no powershell CmdLets outside common command line APIs such as file system object query, running process, run command, etc. Its pure powershell C syntax code, completely indexed and has full video focus, enabling it to support full threaded file system applications such as the completely multi forms indexed with full video controllable kernel focus, VPRS Demo & Web Links with limited applet focus offered on the technology page; and therefore it completely works in a non administration access required powershell command console. If funding and licensing are approved the VPRS compiler will be optimized by finishing the development of the MSDN forms objects, methods and events supported by powershell & current Windows platforms. The Visual C compiler which is binary compiler brother to visual basic platforms will be developed as a translation of the powershell C script repository script PDK compiler.
1998 to 2010 Software Tools
The following software tool applications were originally developed between 1998 and 2010. These original tools script projects have been lost to, to this day a personal estate law suite between Santa Clara county, the family estate attorney & the awarded owners of the owner of SoftGlue business plans & resource CD of Campbell California, Mark L. Alberi’s Campbell estate property rights, lost in the law suite in 12/2010.
Context Help
Context help is an advanced desktop or LAN document contextual reader tool. Documents can be read by document indexes and a search engine making it much more easier reading and finding the information the reader needs. context help is HTML script document reader. It supports industry standard HTML tags and has new HTML tags specific to it. Context help also support rich text and plain text file formats a stand alone documents without contextual support, but includes search engine support. context Help supports, end paging, 8.5 x 11 & 11 x 8.5 page formats. It can automate the reformatting of any plain text and rich text formatted (filename.rtf) document. Context Help also supports an proprietary external application API, allowing the developer to attach Context help as its working document help reader, in lieu of modern on line standards & PDF manual document loading.
Help Gen
Help Gen is a simple word processor, HTML writer and Context Help formatter, allowing the writer with little or no software writing background translate any rich text format / RTF file format back and forth between RTF formatted script & HTML script until satisfied with the document and then script format it as a contextual help document for Context Help application reading when finished.
Text Importer
Text Importer is text file to spread sheet import tool. It can import any length text file into a spread sheet bypassing the spread sheet’s import length limit, thereby allowing it to be used for database migration and server network systems through easy access to disk management through the spread sheet automated functions that support file table file formats.
Directory Converter
Director Converter is command line file system query to spread sheet translator. It can transpose the entire file system tree stored on disk and translate it into a formatted speed sheet for both easy reading and network system’s IT script hive query, making it much easier and quicker to find file system disk contents without the need to first have administration rights. The raw data table is queried and saved to a file by the Dir “C:\GetDirectory” >> “c:\MyFilePath\MyDrive.txt” command line, command. Directory converter assumes the user already has administration rights to run it.
File Archive
File Archive is file archive management tool applet. It adds the file date to the file name for easy index storage and retrial. preserving the original file name. It was written to support things like personal photos storage management and can be used as an network system file archive management tool.
Mathematical Rounding API
This mathematical rounding function API performs double precision number rounding as logical rounding therm vs the current ALU binary floating point with error. Its accuracy is within the double precision accuracy ALU floating point error of 8 to 10 decimal places & 6 guaranteed, vs current 3 to 5.