Copyright (c) 2023 by Mark L. Alberi. The form, all the form objects & all its HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) & javascript controls copywrited (c) 2023 with the exception of the web page upload web host server interface licensed object controls. SoftGlue webpage Object.

What is Indirect Memory Address Architecture?

SoftGlue developed an indirect memory addressing architecture of the command line as both non administration & administration access privileges.

Examples of non administration access architecture are visual basic .net embedded powershell, Visual Powershell Compiler& Web Links applications and the BATCH Virus Threat Scan command line macro language embedded VB.net IT applications.

Examples of administration access, are two visual basic .net embedded powershell language IT applications that require command line administration access to run with no runtime memory errors, Registry Search & Removal Tool (RegSR) & Clear All Event Logs IT applications.

API Thread Demo is an application that demonstrates an executable to executable as an Exe to Exe Threading API communications thread through file system management of up to seven input arguments from either a user input shortcut to an external application or can be script programed by the developers with help form the API Thread Demo help document on the Technology page; such as with this demo to an external application or through file system programming such as with Application Extension described in FAQ & its technical help document on the Technology page.

Application Extension is a memory buffer application for high security OS risk and legacy applications requiring OS security compliance otherwise run risk of becoming disabled and osculated. Its also an application of text file forms object programming, requiring absolutely no knowledge of actual object programming, by just reading the Application Extension help document on the Technology page. The purpose of this function is to give developers time to upgrade their applications that can’t be re-licensed as current operating system complaint, such as the legacy JAVA desktop programs that need to be rewritten & recompiled in modern C++ to meet the current times of both client and remote full system security. Application Extension is a direct application example of the SoftGlue propitiatory Exe to Exe API Threading as described inWhat is Exe to Exe Threading? in FAQ here.

BATCH Virus Threat Scan is a batch and command file VTCmdScan.exe convenience shell program ran as an additional security socket layer and is binned as an embedded visual basic program ran on the visual basic command line object during run time.

The Virus Threat Scan command line VTCmdScan.exe executable is an application extension of the Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials command line application MpCmdRun.exe. Its purpose is to make it much easier for the IT professional to implement the Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials command line application MpCmdRun.exe into their own network maintenance scripts; and to provide a windows security safe alternative command line virus and threat extension application to the existing Microsoft virus and threat command line application MpCmdRun.exe. It runs from a proprietary VB script command shell executable.

Virus Threat Scan Extension (VTSE) is not a replacement for Windows Defender or Microsoft Security Essentials or any third party anti-virus & malware threat protection tools. It is primarily considered a network administration supplement tool. Also, primary purpose is an emergency virus threat scan in command line safe mode for the most hostile & infectious virus & malware threats as the first defense against having to reimage the hard drive. Also, MpCmdRun.exe can identify virus threats that can reside in memory during a hard drive formatting & reminding and redeploy themselves after the reimage is complete. IT administrators have always had their own form of VTSE. MpCmdRun.exe is a formalized command line application alternative. There are future plans for a network visual basic, VB.Net shell version to be available. As of the date of this release, VTSE only supports standalone client virus & malware scanning.

Virus Threat Scan shell is licensed for standalone clients and servers. Disconnect the network and internet when using. The MpCmdRun.exe developed as an emergency virus scan threat scan tool for the operating system fail safe modes, primarily the command line fail safe. Virus Threat Scan shell does add a security socket layer buffer but caution must be upheld when running the MpCmdRun.exe command line antivirus tool.

What is Clear All Event Logs

Clear All Event Logs is an administration access required powershell application that clears all event viewer logs using the system32 wevtutil.exe command line utility. SoftGlue developed a base code application artecture that grants visual studio development command line administration as indirect memory access, analogy to assembly language indirect memory access OP code development. Its base trigger development is entirely based up Microsoft’s legacy command line script library code below. A 16-bit artecture command line and basic artecture that can never be obsoleted and disabled by the OS. Its modern artecture is integrated in the operating file system’s kernels for administration access of the files systems is and always will be a requirement of server maintenance and operating system as remote networking updating. Below is this Microsoft administration access code anyone can use to gain administration access to the command line for scripts that require it. However, SoftGlue develop a propitiatory artecture that allows visual studio to deploy it as indirect memory access, upholding the Visual Studio’s file system security system development an deployment rights for both the isolated desktop and remote networking. Visual Studio executable itself, has no administration command line administration access. It deploys a SoftGlue proprietary “Run” command script that request administration access form the below script. If the logged in user has administration access rights, then the below legacy script grants it to SoftlGlue’s “Run” command script that then passes these rights to the script its calling; such as the VB22.net EST embedded powershell Clear All Event Logs script here. See shareware Microsoft library script below, anyone can call, providing you have your own API development interface deployment, such as SoftGlue. SoftGlue’s “Run” command script is completely proprietary copy write-able / patent-able as an indirect memory access API & SoftGlue will work with Microsoft to insure its user’s and uses security.

:: Microsoft shareware command console vb script administration rights
:: https://www.tenforums.com/software-apps/191570-run-command-batch-file-admin-privileges-now-uac.html

set “Params=%*”
cd /d “%~dp0” && ( if exist “%Temp%\getadmin.vbs” del “%Temp%\getadmin.vbs”) && fsutil dirty query %SystemDrive% 1>nul 2>nul || ( echo set UAC = CreateObject^(“Shell.Application”^) : UAC.ShellExecute “cmd.exe”, “/k cd “”%~sdp0″” && %~s0 %Params%”, “”, “runas”, 1 >> “%Temp%\getadmin.vbs” && “%Temp%\getadmin.vbs” && Exit /b)
%WinDir%\System32\reg.exe query “HKU\S-1-5-19” 1>nul 2>nul || ( echo. & echo ERROR: This Batch file MUST be run in an ELEVATED cmd prompt [ Administrator ] & echo. & echo Right-Click the Batch file and click ^. & echo. & echo ^>Press ANY key to EXIT . . . & pause >nul & Exit )

What is Embedded Syntax Translator (EST)?

The Embedded Syntax Translator (EST) is a text file to visual basic bedding tool. EST embeds text file syntax as a visual basic code bas module, thereby making it encrypted to even its own source code. The translated EST bas module can be directly imported into any visual basic application project. The VBA script syntax is file write statements for any within code to redeploy as run time code in memory then discarded protecting the original script. It is in this way scripts can be LAN remote TCP / IP safely deployed and then discarded as a VB.Net executable upholding OS security and licensed as an executable by the software development tools company. The Visual Powershell File System Demo, Web Links, Reg SR, Virus Threat Scan – Powershell & Virus Threat Scan – Batch Command Line are powershell script applications that are embedded as encrypted powershell into a VBA deployment shell executable application. All these applications are 100’s to 1000’s of lines of powershell & batch script long. The importance of the Virus Threat Scan – Batch Command Line desktop application is that it can be safely deployed as an embedded encrypted batch script and deployed remotely as the license calls for that all scripts are run locally on the command in the command console the same as a IT user would manually. At this time batch files are no longer licensed to run remotely. SoftGlue agrees, no script file platform should for fundamental OS security. However, these files are completely encrypted text into a deplorably VBA desktop file. none of these applications are VB.net executable enabled. This is proposed future of SoftGlue IT offered tools.

The Embedded Syntax Translator (EST) is a text file to visual basic bedding tool. EST embeds text file syntax as a visual basic code bas module, thereby making it encrypted to even its own source code. The translated EST bas module can be directly imported into any visual basic application project. The VBA script syntax is file write statements for any within code to redeploy as run time code in memory then discarded protecting the original script. It is in this way scripts can be LAN remote TCP / IP safely deployed and then discarded as a VB.Net executable upholding OS security and licensed as an executable by the software development tools company. The Visual Powershell File System Demo, Web Links, Reg SR, Virus Threat Scan – Powershell & Virus Threat Scan – Batch Command Line are powershell script applications that are embedded as encrypted powershell into a VBA deployment shell executable application. All these applications are 100’s to 1000’s of lines of powershell & batch script long. The importance of the Virus Threat Scan – Batch Command Line desktop application is that it can be safely deployed as an embedded encrypted batch script and deployed remotely as the license calls for that all scripts are run locally on the command in the command console the same as a IT user would manually. At this time batch files are no longer licensed to run remotely. SoftGlue agrees, no script file platform should for fundamental OS security. However, these files are completely encrypted text into a deplorably VBA desktop file. none of these applications are VB.net executable enabled. This is proposed future of SoftGlue IT offered tools.

Exe to EXE API Thread: This thread is an alternative to developing otherwise not necessary small Dynamic Link Library or DLL executable taking in programed input vs the executable command line input for file system application development work. Dynamic Link Library, DLL’s fundamentally always have posed an OS security problem, particularly with DLL’s that are registered as global access in the OS registry. While for many applications the programmer can call the exe command line input form the command line or from a short cut, it’s file system OS security if the programmer nest, exe command line input; ie) call the exe command line from one to another to another such as exe1->exe2->exe3->etc & is not supported by the exe to exe API Thread. Servicing links are required for this type of communication nesting. However, with the exe to exe API Thread it is possible and file system security will not be compromised, but the tradeoff is more run time RAM memory and a reduction in application performance if the developer used the exe to exe extensively vs standard DLL & registery threading communication between file system sub applications. It also unlimits the exe command line limit of about 64 total characters allowed by calling a temporary threaded information file, either a dat or traditional ini then deleting it. Increased run time memory is the only draw back & needs to always be considered whith program communicating. The purpose of the traditional ini & dat text files predominately of windows 3.11, 16 bit technology, then was threading communication by all application extensions including the executable. The purpose of it now, is exe to exe file system threading is to add a balance to communication threading and extra file system threading security to the security socket layer of the allocated RAM memory space for that application at run time, than with DLL, registry & command line solutions alone. It is SoftGlue’s business plan intention to make the Exe to Exe Thread an OS development standard alternative. The highest form of communication threading between applications is a balance between Dynamic Link Library (DLL), registry communication and file system communication. Exe to Exe Thread provides this third thread formal standard if adapted.

What is Open & Save Dialog Executable API?

The Open & Save Dialog Executable API (OpenSaveDialog) is a common dialog external executable binary object application used as an independent non embedded systems application to reduce or illuminate file systems disruptions caused by the common dialog object having to pause your application during running time to open a file you need to process by your application. It has a two way file system thread communication through OS 3.11 ini header communication. The [Header Name] is a secure way to communicate for some types of solutions saving registry kernel disruptions and unnecessary registry bloating. The ini file is created used and deleted within application run time milliseconds and is completely binded preventing tampering during its usage by the OpenSaveDialog API and then by your application after it reads the return contents and then deletes it, preventing any run time security obstruction. You define in your program as an open or save dialog with you own defined file filter parameters, the OpenSaveDialog API sets the filer parameters and opens the dialog you called. The OpenSaveDialog application returns its file query to a header formatted ini file for you to read once it closes and process the file path it returned. File system disruption is greatly reduced or even eliminated because its your application that pauses itself monitoring the OpenSaveDialog running process & waiting for the OpenSaveDialog object API to finish and exit before continuing. The OpenSaveDialog API pauses only itself causing no file system disruptions to the kernel. It was primary written for server system script administration by VB script wscript, command line batch or powershell script interpreter compilers, giving them a safe way to utilize the windows common dialog object as a replacement solution for the obsoleted HTA script solutions allowing programmers to call windows functions such as the common dialog through embedded HTA script. SoftGlue has a working VB6 & VB.Net model of OpenSaveDialog object API.

Visual RegSR is an embedded visual basic .net visual powershell repository compiler registry search and removal script application tool of malware and uninstalled registry residue by uninstall programs. RegSR application is a complex powershell command line program with a GUI user interface, Visual RegSR as described here and in the Reg SR technical help documents on the Technology page. In the future, the Reg SR command line program will be supported for LAN IT as an embedded encrypted VB.Net powershell program.

RGB Dynamic Color Palette is a graphics designer & application developers assist tool. This tool generates both visual colors of the entire RBG color range dynamically with a slider bar user GUI interface and calculates the RBG color codes for the software designer. Its a smart looking user intuitive application. The future for this application is to offer it as a object reference for graphics tools applications as an alternative to the static Hume color palette. Enjoy

What is Virtural Networking Service (VNS)?

VNS is a website front end database driven virtual network services refereed to as clouding in recent times with remote login into the cloud database for self hosting updates and maintenance.

What is Visual Powershell Repository Compiler?

Visual Powershell Compiler (VPSWC) is a completely indexed C script compiler developer tool that demonstrates fundamental application’s control such as application set focus, lost focus & key board control. It currently supports all minimum required basic forms object controls: Checkbox, Command Button, Combo & List Boxes, Group Box, Label, Progress Bar, Radio Button, Multiple Forms Object, Text Box, Tool Bar controls & loads its applications into a powershell manifest run time memory block secure layer space.

Visual Powershell File System Demo demonstrates the full functionality of the visual powershell repository compiler concept. Its considered to be both an alternative to Azure and it augments azure application development with memory block repository powershell running in the same powershall console as the deployed azure application by the SQL server. All basic form objects are represented such as labels. check boxes, radio buttons, text boxes, list & combo boxes, button control, group boxes, line separators, full application focus & full object & forms indexing allowing for complex nested forms within one application as demonstrated here. Visual Powershell Compiler supports key board controls. However currently it does not support the 64 bit windows keyboard API and is a future development

Important Note: The Visual Powershell Repository Compiler demo, RegSR & Web Links applications are developed with exactly the same powershell translated MSDN framework objects, events, methods & properties. The script frameworks template objects that were used to develop each application are exactly the same as described in the Visual Powershell Repository Compiler help document , but the applications are completely different becasue the development adheres to standard custom development compiler rules for unique application development. Its for this reason each unique application is a development of a Visual Powershell Repository Compiler and not just a unique repository application. Again, they all use common powershell translated MSDN objects, events, methods & properties.

Web Links is an embedded visual powershell repository applet that deploys tab delimited web links text file into a list box allowing the user to select any or all HTML web links into all supported PC systems browsers with the aid of an encrypted external browser access interface executable. This is a priority application of SoftGlue and is not described or offered here out side the web links application.